The Big Day is less than a week away- that’s right, less than 7 days! As we get prepared by digging out our “extra stretchy” elasticated trousers and by making a few extra holes in our belts, many are of us also thinking about what we can do to enjoy the festive season while still bearing our planet and environment in mind.
While we can’t guarantee a White Christmas for everybody, we can certainly guarantee a Greener Christmas, allowing you to enjoy the holidays while considering your environmental impact on the planet.
Buy a real Christmas tree

Unless you already own one, artificial trees aren’t necessarily a more sustainable option. Although artificial trees can be used year after year, artificial trees are made out of plastic, and are typically thrown away as they start to age and look more tired throughout the years.
Throwing out artificial trees results in a buildup of more plastic within landfill that essentially sticks around forever.
Buying a real tree locally also cuts down on carbon emissions as the tree has traveled a much shorter distance. Once the tree starts to die you can recycle it, most local councils facilitate tree recycling. If that’s not an option, you can let the tree dry out in your garden and break it down into smaller pieces to be used as compost or mulch for other plants and greenery.

Get creative with decorations
If you’ve read our “How to add Christmas cheer to your work space” blog, you’ll have seen this point featured before. Every workplace needs toilet roll, which is a great prop to be used for Christmas decorations! The cardboard tube that remains can be used to create all your favourite festive characters with a lick of paint and some colouring pencils.
These decorations can be used year after year, and the best part is they’re 100% recyclable! You can also use conifer seeds, old CD’s, bottles and light bulbs to get crafty with your decorations, most of which are reusable and recyclable.

Donate Clothes
If we’re honest, most of us have a range within our wardrobe, from our favourite clothes that are worn often, to clothes that never seem to make it off of the hanger.
If you have clothes that fit the latter category, try donating them to a local charity shop. Your donated clothes will be given a new lease of life and an opportunity to be worn by a new keen wearer. It’ll also free up a lot of space within your wardrobes and homes!
Buy rechargeable batteries

Let’s face it, Christmas often means electrical gadgets and gizmos of some description to keep the kids (and most adults!) happy and content over the holidays.
A lot of these toys and electronics run on battery power to keep them functioning, which require what seem to be endless runs to the store for more batteries or a constant raiding of the “miscellaneous” drawer in the kitchen.

Switching to rechargeable batteries saves the need for constantly replacing them and throwing old batteries away. They may be a little more expensive to begin with, but they’re well worth the investment as they can be recharged hundreds of times throughout the months, providing a benefit through reduced waste and reduced replacement costs.
Browse our online store and buy your rechargeable batteries that won’t just last for Christmas, but months afterwards.
Find alternatives to wrapping paper

Within the UK, we send 5 million tonnes of paper to landfill every year. Although a lot of wrapping paper can be recycled, cheaper wrapping paper often can only be used once due to the fibres not being strong enough to be recycled.
Why not try some alternatives instead? Alternatives can range from newspapers, to gift baskets and wallpaper to name just a few.
Need more inspiration? Check out these wrapping paper alternatives from Jill Winger to get the ball rolling.

Keep it controlled, keep it loose
Christmas can be almost synonymous with overindulgence, but did you know an estimated 270,000 tonnes of food is wasted within the UK each year, with half of Brits stating they usually overspend on food at Christmas?
When buying the ingredients for your favourite Christmas Winter warmer recipes, consider buying just what you need and buying loose vegetables. Buying loose vegetables helps cut out excessive plastic packaging that ends up in landfill, and by only buying what’s needed, you’re reducing waste and saving money- it really is win-win.
How will you make your Christmas greener? Are there any other tips or ways you can think of (mistletoe doesn’t count we’re afraid!) that we’ve not mentioned? Leave a comment below and let us know… Merry Christmas to you all!